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Giuseppe Mazza

This magazine is dedicated to William “Bill” Bernbach.

An extremely elegant adman, a prominent figure of the Twentieth century, a man whose ideas have inspired generations of creatives all over the world.

He never wrote a book. His ideas have been collected here and there, as gold nuggets, extracted from his rare interviews or even transcribed from private conversations. The reason of this is simple: he believed that his works should talk for him. In an attempt to fully pay homage to him we will avoid to go into the details of our reasons. We just invite you to read the summary, which we believe is self-explanatory.

Our aim is to tell you how rich is the language of advertising. In Italy advertising is perceived as something which has nothing to do with real life, a point of view which is deeply rooted. “Bill” will provide a different perspective on advertising. It will show you that day by day advertising helps to build civilization and well-being, and that it speaks to everyone, without despising anyone. Our aim is to separate plainness from demagogy.

Advertising is a chance. It helps to nurture the dream of a democratic language, something that should not be reserved for the Elite. Here you will discover in how many ways you can accomplish this goal. Welcome and enjoy your reading.

Giuseppe Mazza

Giuseppe Mazza is founding partner and creative director of Tita.


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