It happens often. Many an intellectual, as influential as he/she can be, sees in advertising the culprit of all evils. Advertising corrupts, destroys values, creates false needs. All this is arguable, but licit.
What does not happen often is the case that the aforementioned cultural authorities may study advertising. Pretty much as when one studies cinematography, design, or comics. What we fail to understand is why a subject retained to be so dangerous does not become matter of study, thus allowing them to examinate advertising more closely or at least to fight it. That is, how much authority does have a cultural system that prefers scorn to study?
How can you talk about advertising without studying Bernbach? Without knowing John Hegarty nor BBH? Can you understand modernity if you do not know what is stimulating advertising in China, in India, and in Arab countries right now?
This third issue of Bill creates opportunities for knowledge for both haters and lovers of advertising. The former can discover in advertising something they never imagined. The latter will find new reasons to be fond of a language which is not necessarily a form of pollution. For everyone else, they will just find out what they’re missing in being so scornful.
Welcome and enjoy your reading.